The Efficiency of a Crisis Hotline for Your Business

Crisis HotlineDon’t worry, we are not going to bother you talking about THE CRISIS. It’s rather about a very useful phone service giving support to any company in exceptional crisis situations when a quick response should be given to a wide public in shortest possible time.

Today we find at all levels ultra quick and abundant flow of information. The public in general and consumers will react immediately before any eventuality and they demand clear and reliable information.

Here an example of a situation in which a crisis hotline is required: a widely consumed product (food, cleaning, personal care etc.) fails. Customers immediately would call the manufacturer or seller to get information. In such case phone lines will most probably be collapsed in very short time.

Teléfono Permanente offers an efficient solution. In shortest time we shall have our team of phone agents prepared (of course we count on the necessary technology equipment) and will be ready to activate the specific service the concerned business will require. Several companies hired the service of Teléfono Permanente as partner to guarantee beforehand efficient call answering service in situations of this kind.

More information on Call Answering Services, Web Services, Outbound Calls: download here our Information Folder.

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