Collaboration with AMGEN

AMGEN, pioneer in biotechnology, has hired the service of TELÉFONO PERMANENTE in order to extend telephone attention related to pharmacovigilance, quality claims and medical information enquiries. Cooperating with TELÉFONO PERMANENTE, AMGEN ensures telephone attention to its customers beyond the pharmaceutical company’s usual office hours (night hours, Sundays, holidays).

Pharmacovigilance, being a public health related activity that allows identification, assessment and prevention of risks derived from the use of medicines after their commercialization, is considered to be a matter of utmost importance and general interest. At any time, quality claims related to drug administration devices, among others, or medicine packaging or enquiries or doubts regarding pharmaceuticals may arise, and for this reason it is important that patients and health care professionals are given the opportunity of reporting immediately and at any time of the day about the above issues.

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